Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hope and Change...

Tonight America saw history in the making. While inspired by the change that our new President speaks to our lives, I cannot help but feel a certain sadness. I hope for change in this country of ours; whatever that might be...
While watching a TV screen in my family room I saw people all around America, and even the world, filled with hope for a new America and a new leader. Although I felt a sense of unity, I could not help but think of souls all around the world that do not have the opportunity that we do. Those who have felt more pain and more persecution than any of us have ever felt. People who do not think that they have the power to stand up for change. I cannot help but think of people who not only find it impossible to hope but also fear hope. My heart tonight cried out for the unjustice that is done all around the world. Tonight I feel undeserving of having the choice for change when I think of the people in places like Burma dying for their longing for change.
It is hard for me to understand why we get to see this type of action. As Obama listed all the change that America has gone through in the past century I felt so happy and proud of us. That we have come so far in such a short amount of time is amazing. But I still cannot come to terms with why America time and time again gets the golden egg? In all of our progress where is the progress for the persecuted? I am not saying that America is all sunshine and rainbows and that we have nothing to work on. I am just simply saying it is hard for me to come to terms with the struggle that others go through every single day. Because well..lets face it there is injustice all around the world.
My hope, along with hopes for the economy, education and rights for all Americans, is also that our eyes will be open to those in the world that do not have the power to cast a vote. And that although maybe you won tonight it does not stop here. If we fought as hard as we did to get our candidate in the office, can you imagine how much we could fight for the rest of the world?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mission Statement

 If I were to write a mission statement for my life I think it would say something like this, "I will love the unloved, touch the untouchable and walk hand in hand with those who seek to fight ignorance."  That is who I want to be because I believe that is who God has called us to be.  Somewhere in the line of life God's children divided.  While I believe all of us are truly seeking to love Jesus and love God we have chosen different paths to communicate with him.  Some of us have settled for lives of fear and condemnation.  We condemn others who do not have our same moral beliefs.  We hate those who are different than us in fear that they will somehow harm us or humiliate us.  The second group is in some cases worse than the second group.  They live lives of indifference, lack passion and live a rather luke-warm life convinced that their convictions are theirs alone.  Then there are his children who are bursting at the seems for justice.  A group of brothers and sisters aching with passion to touch the untouchable and to love the unloved.  I sat in a room with these people tonight.  I like to believe that I goto a University that has a majority of students who yearn to see change in a world that seems unchangeable.  A group of people that believe it is time to lay down the God of hate and pick up the God of love.  I am not talking about liberalism or any of those political terms.  I am talking about love and intelligence.  I am talking about walking out of the regurgitated sermons that we have been raised on.  I am daring people to expand their minds and believe that there is something out there that is bigger than what we already have been told.